
Honey Ricotta Cheesecake + Brûléed Figs

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  • Author: Salma



Biscuit Crust

  • 260g digestive biscuits
  • 80g unsalted butter, melted
  • 1⁄4 tsp fine sea salt

Honey Ricotta Filling

  • 250g cream cheese, softened
  • 400g ricotta cheese
  • 100g caster sugar, sifted
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 65ml local honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste

To Serve

  • 1012 fresh figs, washed
  • Caster sugar, to brûlée
  • Icing sugar, to dust
  • Honey, to drizzle


Biscuit crust

  1. Preheat oven to 180°C (160° fan-forced), and line a 20cm (8”) spring-form pan with removable base with baking paper.
  2. Process digestive biscuits in a food processer until fine, then mix with melted butter and salt.
  3. Press mixture evenly over the base of spring-form pan then par-bake for 8-10 minutes until very lightly golden. Allow to cool.

Honey Ricotta Filling

  1. Whisk cream cheese lightly for 2-3 minutes in an electric mixer, ensuring it is smooth and softened, then add ricotta cheese and sugar and continuing whisking until light and creamy.
  2. Whisk in eggs, one by one, until smooth and creamy, then whisk in honey and vanilla on low speeding until combined.
  3. Pour filling into crust, then bake for 35 minutes in preheated oven. When done, the cheesecake should appear set but have a gentle wobble in the centre.
  4. Allow to cool completely in oven with door ajar, then refrigerate until set, ideally overnight.

To Serve

  1. Slice each fig in half, then sprinkle each one with caster sugar.
  2. Brûlée fig halves using a blow torch, or using the oven on a grill setting.
  3. Serve cheesecake chilled with a light dusting of icing sugar.
  4. Plate each slice of cheesecake, then drizzle with honey and serve with 1-2 fig halves.



Makes one 20cm (8”) cheesecake and serves 8-10 people