
Earl Grey Brûlée Tarts

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These tarts are pure joy – a creamy custard filling infused with earl grey and accentuated by the sweet crisp crunch of brulee topping. 



Earl Grey Brûlée Tarts

  • 8 x 8cm (3″) good-quality tart shells
  • 600ml double thick cream
  • 20g (4 tbsp) earl grey tea leaves
  • 8 egg yolks, at room temperature
  • 100g caster sugar + extra to decorate
  • Edible flowers (fresh violas + dried cornflowers), to decorate


Earl Grey Brûlée Tarts

  1. Heat cream and tea leaves in a medium saucepan until hot and steamy. Remove from heat and allow to cool and flavour to infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Whisk egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl until sugar dissolves.
  3. Pour infused cream through a fine mesh sieve and into egg yolk mixture, and whisk until combined.
  4. Place large bowl over a small saucepan of boiling water to create a double boiler (ensure the water does not touch the bowl).
  5. Continue whisking cream mixture until smooth and thick and coats the back of a spoon, 10-15 minutes. The mixture will be the colour and consistency of caramel.
  6. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Whisking the mixture every 5-10 minutes as it cools is recommended to ensure a smooth custard.
  7. Pour cooled custard into tart shells and allow to set in fridge for a few hours or overnight.

To Serve

  1. Tarts can be served at room temperature or cold as desired.
  2. Sprinkle tarts with a thin even layer of caster sugar then brûlée using a blow torch.
  3. Decorate with edible flowers (fresh violas and dried cornflowers). 



Makes eight individual 8cm (3”) tarts